Anti-slavery and human trafficking statement
This statement sets out WF Education Group Limited’s actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chains.
This statement relates to actions and activities during the financial year 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025.
We recognise that we have a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking. We take our responsibility very seriously.
Our organisation is absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities, and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.
Organisational structure
WF Education Group Limited is a subsidiary of WF Education Group Holdings Limited.
WF Education Group Limited is an omnichannel supplies and learning spaces company, consisting of a number of customer-facing brands, that serves the education community by providing quality equipment, supplies, and services to education, libraries, civic institutions, leisure, and public-sector customers worldwide.
WF Education Group Limited is part of a privately-owned company, Wall Family Enterprise, with its head office in Madison, US. WF Education Group Limited sources and procures market-ready items globally for the provision of equipment and services to its target market.
Supply Chain
Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking.
The WF Education Group Ltd has a zero-tolerance approach in relation to slavery and human trafficking, and any supplier found to be in breach of applicable laws and regulations, will be immediately de-listed from our supply chain. Our Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy is published online for all suppliers and customers. Our supplier manual sets out our expectations as a business in relation to this area and is sent to all suppliers, new and existing. Signed copies are kept on file and are logged.
Due diligence processes
We expect our suppliers to self-govern in relation to this area, and their signed commitment to abiding by applicable laws and regulations gives us assurance that the supplier is performing their duty.
Risk assessment and management
The WF Education Group will source domestically where feasible, however, where there is a need to source from countries / regions that are at a higher risk of susceptibility to the use of slavery or human trafficking, we ensure that all suppliers are visited and audited prior to initial set up, either by our own employees or by an authorised third party. Periodic reviews take place with these suppliers to ensure that we are kept up to date with any organisational, or any other changes.
Key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of steps being taken
We monitor the % of suppliers that have signed up to our manual & code of ethics, and if a supplier is unwilling or unable to agree to this, we will investigate & understand the reasons for this. Where we feel that there could be a risk of improper conduct in relation to the use of / involvement in slavery or human trafficking, we will either work with the supplier to gain assurance, or we may seek an alternative supplier.
Training on modern slavery and trafficking
Employees whose roles may bring them into contact with modern slavery related concerns or activities are provided with guidance in regard to the signs to look for and the impact of modern slavery and how to report these back to the Company.